
FIFA World Cup 2014: Frenzy in space too; NASA astronauts kick the ball

Host Brazil to face Croatia in the opening game

Mumbai: As fans around the world tune in to World Cup 2014, fans in the NASA space station will also be watching 2014 FIFA World Cup.

United States astronauts Reid Wiseman and Steve Swanson and German astronaut Alexander Gerst have decided to spread the FIFA fever on space by watching it LIVE! This shows that the astronauts as well, will cheer the teams from some 230 miles above Earth aboard the International Space Station.

The crew sent down a special message to wish good luck to all the players and teams as they compete in World Cup 2014 in Brazil from June 12 until the final match July 13.

Reid Wiseman, of NASA, and Alexander Gerst, of the European Space Agency, arrived at the space station on May 28 as part of the Expedition 40/41 crew and are scheduled to spend the next several months living and working in space until they return to Earth in November 2014. Steven Swanson arrived as part of the Expedition 39/40 crew on March 25 and is expected to return home in September 2014.

( Source : dc )
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