
Indo-Canada trade languishes at $5 billion

Delegates representing the Indo-Canadian Cha­m­bers of Com­m­er­ce on Sunday.

Chennai: Delegates representing the Indo-Canadian Cha­m­bers of Com­m­er­ce on Sunday spoke of the absence of potential growth in trade be­tween the two countr­ies, which remains at $5 billion. They we­re on a visit to 11 cities in the country, Chennai in­c­luded, and were spe­aking at a conference to promote bilateral investment by the two trading partners.

Naval Bajaj, president of the Indo-Can­adian Chambers of Co­m­­merce, said, “Th­e­re is a 1.2 million-str­o­ng Indian diaspora in Canada that is imm­en­sely interested in do­ing business in India. Presently, the Canada-India trade, which is to the tune of $5 billion, is well below the potential. The signing of the comprehensive economic partnership agreement (CEPA) will boost existing trade.” The two countries are in talks over CEPA.

“We believe that with be­tter cooperation, th­is figure could reach $15 million. We are al­so planning to open a resource centre in In­dia to facilitate Ca­na­d­i­ans in getting the kn­ow-how on In­dian bus­in­ess,” Bajaj said.

“There is also a need for the branding of In­dia in Canada and vice versa, Canada, too, has potential trade sectors in energy, education and oil,” he added.

Governor K. Rosa­iah, present at the conference, said, “Indo-Ca­­nadian relations da­te back to several ye­ars. I am happy to note that more than 300 MoUs have been sig­ned to share and collaborate on joint research programmes in the fields of higher education between both countries.”

( Source : dc )
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