
Chennai cable operators pay dues

The civic body has collected Rs 1 crore in dues from ca­ble operators after or­d­ers were issued.

Chennai: The civic body has collected Rs 1 crore in dues from ca­ble operators after or­d­ers were issued to snap cables without corporation-certified tags.

Another Rs 1 crore is ex­p­e­cted to be collected by ne­xt week, corporation so­u­rces said, pointing out th­at the response from operators had been overwhe­lming.

Out of 28 companies, 16 that paid their dues have been provided tags and it’s now legal to use their services. “We are expecting many more to get registered this week,” said a corporation official.

The amount fixed as rent has not, however, been incr­eased from Rs 9,400 per km. Sources say that the pr­opo­sal for increasing the rent to Rs 32,000 is yet to be approved by the gov­er­n­ment.

The civic body will persist with the further pro­c­esses of streamlining the connections. “The next st­ep would be to streamline the tangled cables and make them look presen­ta­b­le. This is aimed at be­a­utifying the city as wi­res at many spots sport a sh­abby look,” the corporation official said.

“The prime focus must be to make the cables run neatly as this not only has the city look tidy, but co­uld also prevent major accidents,” said Dhanraj, a resident of Teynampet.

( Source : dc )
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