
Scott Capurro in India to 'Scoff it up'!

American stand-up comedian, Scott Capurro speaks about his witty, sarcastic and risky sense of humour.

American stand-up comic, actor and writer, Scott Capurro, is in town for the first time to give Bengaluru a taste of his shock humour.

For a man who has tried his skills in different fields, his performance guarantees rib-ticking humour and absolute laughter for the audience. He performed at B Flat yesterday and is going to perform again, as part of the Comedy Store, the following weekend.

“This is my first time in India. Before coming to Bengaluru, I performed in Mumbai; I was worried about talking too fast. So, I downed a few drinks, mixed with watermelon juice before I went on stage. It made me much funnier and prettier. So my audience in Bengaluru can expect a lot of fun moments from my side," says Scott.

He has shocked many a person with his uncompromising take on his gay lifestyle and white trash background.

Rove McManus, the host of Australian TV show 'Rove Live', was one of the most famous victims of his unique humour.

“I was once banned in Australia for eroticising the Christ figure. They freaked out and fired some of the staff on the children's TV show that had hired me. If you discuss current events, that most of the public haven't had time to process, you might shock or even scare them. But that's sort of our job, as comics are meant to make uncomfortable subject matter palatable," says Scott, who is sarcasm personified.

His famous or infamous humour, read it as you may, can be considered a direct result of his upbringing in San Francisco and his family's flair for words.

“My mother was very funny and bawdy. Actually my entire family is quite mouthy. We're Irish and Italian and we really make fun of one another a lot. So, verbal discourse is my defense, as punching someone might damage my piano playing fingers," says Scott.

A winner of the Perrier Award, Scott, as an actor, is best known for his role in the movie 'Mrs Doubtfire', where he portrayed the character of the homosexual brother-in-law of Robin Williams. He turned an author with his novel, 'Fowl Play', which is a comedy novel about murder and has received rave reviews.

“I'd dated a guy who changed his appearance all the time, and I wanted to write about how gay men have learned to change like chameleons to fit in anywhere. That was my inspiration to write the novel," he says.

( Source : dc )
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