
Climb your way to get fit

With these Agility Ladder drills, you can work on your speed using your body weight for overall fitness.

Ladder workout tabata style is catching up on the fitness circuit. Ladder drills require high speed and agility for quick footwork and are an effective tool for training footwork speed and gaining overall fitness. Begin with a slow pattern and when you get familiar with it, you can increase your speed as much as possible without losing control. These tips will come handy while doing these exercises:

Always ensure you stay on your toes, and while jumping, always look up. Try this exercise on a soft surface with good cushioning shoes. Complete all the steps as fast as possible. Make sure to pull your naval in throughout the exercise. Do proper warm-ups before performing these exercises. Do five minutes of passive stretches after completing these exercises.

—The writer is a celebrity fitness trainer and award-winning martial arts expert.

Start with both feet facing the ladder in a two-point stance. Place your left foot into the first square, and then move your right foot into the same square. Step back outside the ladder with the left foot first followed by the right foot. Then, keep your left foot into the second square followed by the right foot, and keep moving laterally in the same pattern. Repeat moving in-in and out-out laterally, till you reach the end of the ladder. Once you reach the end of the ladder, take a semicircle run and reach to the starting position to repeat the same pattern.


Stand next to the ladder in a two point stance. Step into the square with the left foot followed by the right foot placed in the same square. Take your left foot placing it outside the second square of the ladder, and then step forward by placing the right foot onto the second square. Place the left foot laterally next to the right foot inside the square. Now, step with the right foot keeping it outside the third square and step forward with the left foot into the third square of the ladder. Continue to repeat the pattern till the end of the ladder and take a semi-circle run and reach to the starting position to repeat the same pattern thrice.


Stand sideways at the end of the ladder in a two point stance. Sprint laterally through the agility ladder and shuffle through it by stepping with both feet in each square. Pull your knees high. Once you reach the end of the ladder, sprint back and repeat the drill thrice.


Stand inside the first square of the ladder in a two-point stance. Jump outside the ladder by taking a wide squat with your arms up in the air. Jump onto the second square of the ladder in a two-point stance with arms close to the legs. Jump outside the second square of the ladder performing a wide squat, raising your arms up, then quickly jump into the third square. Continue the same pattern till you reach the end of the ladder, take a semi-circle run and reach to the starting position to repeat the same pattern thrice.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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