Things you should never Google

If you're a fan of bathing or for keeping your food down, for that matter do not Google tub girl.

Update: 2016-10-17 20:53 GMT
Not a recipe for a nice Sunday brunch. It is, however, a recipe for making any gynaecologist wonder why they didn't listen to their parents and become a lawyer instead.

Most of us use Google to navigate through everyday life. Whenever an important question pops in our head —what happens when you put various objects in the microwave — we turn to our beloved, all-knowing friend, Google. But there are some things lingering in the corners of the Internet we should never, ever search for, that comes on  top of every “what not to Google” lists circulating the Internet. So here are the very best, ‘what not to Google’ contenders:

Lemon party
Sadly, this is not a party themed around the refreshing citrus fruit we all know and love. But it will leave you unable to even look at an elderly man ever again.

Blue waffle
Not a recipe for a nice Sunday brunch. It is, however, a recipe for making any gynaecologist wonder why they didn’t listen to their parents and become a lawyer instead.

Tub girl
If you’re a fan of bathing or for keeping your food down, for that matter do not Google tub girl.  

Two girls, one cup
In Internet years, this video is old. You really don’t want to see two women doing unspeakable things with faeces and vomit.

Four girls finger paint
Think of two girls, one cup, but double how traumatised that left you.

Soggy biscuit
A playground game gone terribly wrong. Best to Google when you’ve just dipped a biscuit into your tea.

Clock spider
You guessed it, a spider as big as a clock. Only much, much scarier.

Peanut the dog
Peanut is the world’s ugliest dog and you might get compelled to adopt him and take him to a dog salon.

Coconut crab
You like coconuts, you like crab, so this doesn’t sound too bad, right? Wrong. This clawed, coconut-crushing crustacean will haunt your dreams forever.

Bedbugs on mattress
Talking of dreams, if you ever want to sleep again, do not type these words into Google.

Your symptoms
If you think you are seriously ill, you should go see a doctor.

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