People sympathize with man who got friendzoned via Instagram post

The woman shared a post with her friend but it ended with a hashtag that didn't go well with most people

Update: 2017-02-11 11:13 GMT
The tweet with the instagram post went viral and got over 8,000 retweets and 14,000 likes. (Photo: Twitter)

Many boys try really hard to get out of the friendzone and they still cannot and it gets worse if it is all out on social media. A boy recently received the worst signal about his possible future relationship when the girl posted the photo on Instagram that ended with a hashtag still single though and the post went viral with sympathy.

According to a report in the Unilad, a user posted the photo of her with her guy friend on Instagram and wrote about how she had a wonderful day but she added a hashtag that he probably wasn’t expecting. The boy, Daniel, had taken the girl, Alex out for a game of golf and dinner; he had even given her flowers and shared an ice cream along with horseback riding but she ended up calling it a ‘friend-date’. While she complimented the guy, she may or may not have realised that just one word could break his heart and she ended post with #stillsingletho.

While the instagram post got very few likes, Twitter couldn’t take it easily and when it was shared by user @T_DMac it went viral and got over 8,000 retweets and 14,000 likes with sympathetic replies that every heartbroken boy would understand.

Read the tweets below:

Read the tweets below:


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