NASA's Curiosity rover captures image of ancient warrior' on Mars

An amateur astronomer believes it could be proof of alien life.

Update: 2018-05-03 08:54 GMT
This process, called a trajectory correction manoeuvre, allows a spacecraft to refine its path to Mars following launch.

Many believe images captured by NASA's curiosity rover depict a picture of an ancient warrior woman on Mars, suggesting they could have been an extraterrestrial army on the planet.

An amateur astronomer spotted a statue that looks like the head of an ancient warrior.

"I have found what seems to be a small feminine looking statue head on Mars in Gale Crater in this recent Curiosity Rover image from NASA," 45-year-old Joe White, a space video journalist, is quoted as saying by the Metro.

Adding, "Only a few inches in size or less. It resembles a carved depiction of a female warrior wearing a helmet similar to some found on Earth from the middle ages."

White, who runs the You Tube channel ArtAlienTV, claims he has spotted a number of artefacts on Mars over the years and suspects an ancient civilisation may have roamed the red planet.

Curiosity, the mobile robot, landed on Mars in 2012 and has been sending photos of the mysterious planet from various locations.

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