Orbiting: Experts warn of the new dating trend

Singletons beware!

Update: 2018-05-03 10:31 GMT
Experts warn of the new dating trend called orbiting. (Photo: Pixabay)

Another day, another dating trend.

This time singletons need to beware of and watch out for "orbiting".

The term was coined by US fashion website Man Repeller.

Orbiting: When the person that ghosted you still finds ways to engage with you on social media.

Essentially, it involves the person avoiding your calls and texts, but will like, comment or retweet things you post or share online.

"This trend of 'orbiting' is a fine way to make sure you drive yourself and your ex partner crazy," dating coach Jo Barnett is quoted as saying by The Independent.

Adding,"Surely only someone who is self destructive and addicted to pain would choose to engage with an ex on Instagram again and again."

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