Tinnitus: Effect of loud music on your ears

Listening to music at unsafe volume can result in hearing loss.

Update: 2019-08-08 07:53 GMT

Are you the one who enjoys listening to your favourite music track in full volume? If so, then give rest to your ears from the earplugs. You might have heard parents shouting at kids to turn down the volume before they go deaf. Well, they are right, as listening to music at unsafe volume can cause temporary or permanent damage resulting in hearing loss or tinnitus. Dr Soniya Gupta, Co-founder – Drspectra (Audiologist and Speech Therapist shares how exposure to loud music can gradually lead to deafness.

Exposure to loud music for some duration might result in temporary hearing loss and you won’t hear properly as you do for a while. However, hearing issues can also emerge if you have noisy neighbours and surrounding and so you need to shout out to be heard, there is a high chance that mechanism inside your 3rd sense organ can be injured. It usually goes away after a peaceful sleep but it is advised to take precaution next time when you are around loud music or noise to avoid permanent hearing loss.

If you have been surrounded by noise or loud music, it could be possible that you may get tinnitus. Tinnitus is a medical term which is used when a person feels ringing in the ears. The symptoms can be easily identified as the person with tinnitus would feel the noise in the ears, buzzing, roaring, whistling or hissing; this noise can be continuous or intermittent.

From a long time, Tinnitus has been a major concern for the people in the music industry such as DJs or musicians, and for people who love listening music at high volume for longer period of time through leads or music system, these people have higher chances of permanent hearing loss and eventually it’s possible that the person won’t be able to listen like the way he used to.

Fortunately, there is a device called Tinnitus Relief Device which is being used for tinnitus prevention, it has warm effects on your neurons which produces the sound of tinnitus. With the recommended use of medicated earphones twice a day for about 20 to 40 minutes, it can convincingly reduce the perceived intensity of tinnitus, as well as its omnipresence. These aforementioned medicated Neuromodulation therapies are given to patients according to their age, under the supervision of a qualified therapist which augments the rate of success.

So, if you love your hearing ability and don’t want to lose, then try always to listen to music at the pleasant sound and cover up the regular noise as much as you can. 

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