Dress for slurp success

Actress Priyamani's mother made a dressing that does double duty as a spread and dip too, she shares the recipe.

Update: 2017-09-14 20:08 GMT

 6 tbsp fresh curd 
 1 tsp gun powder 
 1 tsp garam masala 
 1 tsp ground walnut (walnut powder) 
 1 tsp pepper
 1 tsp sugar  
 Salt to taste 

For Salad 
 Cherry tomatoes 
 Sliced avocados 

The divinely dressed homemade salad! 

 In a bowl, throw in all the greens cut as per your liking. Sprinkle 1 tsp black salt, and saute well. Keep aside. Now, in another bowl, add dollops of curd (fresh, homemade curd works best) gun powder, garam masala and powdered walnut. Whisk well. Add sugar. Ensure the quantity of sugar is a lot lesser than the salt as the dressing is supposed to be tangy, not sweet. The dressing adds in more nutrition, and leaves you feeling fuller and fresher! Can be relished as a post workout meal too. Garnish over salad. Serve right away. 

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