A fashionable debut

Students of Fashion Design are all set to impress with their debut collections at the annual Hamstech Fashion Show.

Update: 2018-10-25 02:32 GMT
Students of the college preparing for the annual fashion show.

In keeping with a long-standing tradition, students of the Hamstech Institute of Creative Education will kick-start their careers in the field of fashion by showcasing their talents at the annual fashion show to be held on October 27. Models will walk ramp wearing the creations of 290 designers that have been organised into 35 unique collections — a culmination of six months of hard work.

In order to put up this grand production, students have had to do everything themselves — from research, to selecting a theme, preparing a colour board, sourcing fabrics, creating silhouettes, and finally producing the garment, and they’ve been guided along the way by popular fashion designer Neeta Lulla.

With inspirations ranging from Chinese fans and Turkish architecture to Gond art, you can expect to see designs that have never walked the ramp before.
Digdarshinee Rout, a student of the institute explains, “The main challenge for us was picking the right motif. Our collection represents fluidity and random art forms, and we ended up choosing tie and dye. Then, we had difficulty getting the colours to look the way we wanted.”

(Third and fourth from right) Spana Vijay and Ajita Reddy with the student designers of the college.

Now, with the garments all set to be shown off to the world, the budding designers couldn’t be more excited. “We have been working on this project for the past six months. Each one of us, including our mentors, has given its all to get to where we are today. It’s like a dream come true, we can’t wait for our designs to come down the ramp,” says Sneha Gala, a student.

The collections will be judged by Anushree Reddy, Gaurang Shah, Divya Reddy, Sonali Pamnani, Anand Kabra, Kamini Saraf of Angasutra, Smita Shroff of Elahe and Deepika Reddy of Almari — which is what makes this show a great launchpad for the graduating class.

“This has helped shape my career ahead and has prepared me to do anything in the future. I dream of being a perfectionist like my mentor Neeta Lulla someday,” says Nisha Domadia.


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