Watch: Things we shouldn't overlook in our lives

This video gives an insight to some unanswered questions

Update: 2014-08-23 09:51 GMT
Pollution is one of the main reason for people falling sick and sometimes even losing their lives (Photo: Video grabs)

Mumbai: It is not a lesser known fact that the pollution and man made chemicals are ruining our natural habitat. Also, pollution is one of the main reason for people falling sick and sometimes even losing their life. The recent cases of Ebola, a viral diseases in Africa, has claimed the lives of main and till date has no cure. Hence, one should always be cautious of certain things by doing simple things in a different way.

video is not a regular social experiment video but an animated informative creation. 

If you go by how the video starts, in the first 10 seconds you probably won't get the crux of it. Watch it for some time and it will take you to places and reveal the bitter truth.

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