Santa Claus is a real person: Bhargavi Balachandran

In the rush of dehumanising violence, a good Samaritan and his bag of good deeds lurks round every corner.

Update: 2014-01-08 12:21 GMT

We were trying to cross a traffic signal. Even after waiting for ten minutes at the crossroads, the signal was yet to change. Abruptly, an SUV pulled up right next to us. The first thought that crossed my mind was, “We are going to get mugged.” We had been forewarned of random cars carrying unsavoury characters. This had me puzzled,  so I  decided to heed warnings of those who were living in the city that I visited and had seen grizzly stuff happen.

Instinctively, I clutched my bag a little tighter. Unexpectedly, a sprightly teen got out of the car, handed a balloon to my husband and asked him, “Would you like to give this to your friend?” We stood stunned as the girl dashed off with a wide smile that made the dark, cold night suddenly seem warm and fuzzy. We were random people on the road. The girl had made us smile with that simple act of hers that didn’t demand reciprocation of any kind. How many of us take the time out to spread joy without demanding anything in return? Santa Claus sometimes visits us when we least expect him!

Later that week, we went  to a grocery store. There is no public transport  and cabs are the only way to get around. Half an hour passed, and no cab. We were tired of waiting, the snow wasn’t making things easier. Suddenly, a car approached us and the driver offered to  drop us home, as it was pretty late and chances of getting a cab were bleak. We were overwhelmed by the offer, we had also been told that people normally minded their own businesses, but were grateful for  his offer. Yet another Santa? Every day we read and hear horror stories of rapes, murders and burglaries and wonder about where humanity is headed. We crib at the seeming lack of the milk of human kindness. We conveniently forget that we too  are part of that society. We conveniently forget the good Samaritans who serve without an iota of expectation in return. Incidents such as these, bolster my faith in the inherent ‘good’ in every human being. But a dash of positivity can make people smile even when everything seems bleak.

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