Amazon fires employee who wrote 'greetings from Uncle Adolf' to Jewish mom
An Amazon employee was sacked after he wrote a letter along with the parcel to a Jewish mother from north London, 30, reading 'Greetings from Uncle Adolf'.
The note came along with a toy, that the lady, who chose to remain anonymous, had ordered for her niece, Mirror UK reported. The anti-Semitic note is being investigated by the police as a hate crime.
The fear of retaliation has kept the woman from revealing her identity, but it outraged her friend Liran Meydat who has spoken up.
Meydat, an IT professional, 39, said, "When I heard what had happened it made me think about my grandfather who showed me the number on his arms from the Polish death camps. He lost all his family there."
Speaking of the lady who the letter was addressed to, he said, "When she told us about the note she was shaking - she's a very gentle and humble lady."
Meydat added, Amazon did not initially respond to the hate crime, until they were shamed on social media.
"The Met took it very seriously, we're happy about how they've handled it."
However, an Amazon spokesperson told Mirror, "We take this incident seriously and have apologised to the customer. We have investigated the matter and dismissed the individual involved."
On the matter, the Met Police said: "Officers attended and spoke to the female victim, aged in her 30s, who reported receiving an anti-Semitic note inside a package she ordered. This is being treated as a hate crime. No arrests have been made. Enquiries continue."