Germany creates website with sex lessons and tips for refugees
The manual has raised eyebrows among some in Germany, while others have supported the initiative.

The notorious sexual assaults on German women on New Year’s Day, some of which were allegedly committed by refugees from across the Mediterranean, have given the German government a reason to publish a sexual education manual directed specifically at refugees.
Germany’s Federal Center for Health Education has gone live with a sexual education website for adult refugees. Using highly graphic diagrams and images, the site outlines everything from first-time sex to how to perform far more advanced sexual acts.
The sex education website focuses on several topics, such as having good sex, homosexuality, family planning, relationships, rights and laws in Europe etc
The website discusses several issues related to sex and sexuality, including first-time sex, virginity issues, gender equality and women’s rights, same-sex relationships and their legality in European countries, kinds of sexual problems and how to solve them, sexually transmitted diseases and how to avoid them, and so on. It even suggests what kinds of sexual positions would result in a satisfactory experience for the individuals concerned.
A graphic teaching refugees about the acceptance of lesbian relationships in Germany
The manual has raised eyebrows among some in Germany, while others have supported the initiative. The critics claim that teaching refugees about sex and sexuality assumes that they lack knowledge or understanding of the same. Some have gone so far as to call it ‘racist’.
But supporters argue that the initiative is necessary to integrate refugees into German society, especially after the string of sexual assaults on German women witnessed over the past few months.
While the sexual education website is a first-of-its-kind initiative by the government, there have been several other efforts of this sort over the last few months. In Munich, public pools published cartoons warning migrants not to grope women in bikinis. In Bavaria, public money is partially funding sexual education classes including lessons for male refugees on how to correctly approach German women.
The site, which went live in March, is available to anyone with the URL. But officials say it was devised to be disseminated by doctors and other medical professionals who are working with refugees.