
1st brain surgery done on parrot

The vets have performed a brain surgery on a 56-day-old chick named Espy-1B which was born with a life-threatening skull abnormality.

Wellington: Efforts have intensified to save the vulnerable kakapo population in New Zealand where there are just 147 adult kakapo, the world’s heaviest parrot, alive today. The vets have performed a brain surgery on a 56-day-old chick named Espy-1B which was born with a life-threatening skull abnormality.

Adapting surgical techniques used on humans and mammals, a specialised team of surgeons was assembled to try to save the young bird’s life. Director of Wildbase Hospital Professor Brett Gartrell said the surgery was a world-first and had never been attempted before in the realm of avian medicine. “The plates of its skull had not completely fused and the fontanelle was still open,” said Gatrell, meaning part of the chick’s brain had herniated out of its skull.

“This condition could be life-threatening for the critically endangered bird, so action needed to be taken.” Veterinarians planned the surgery and the national airline transported the chick for free. “This is a risky surgery and the common complications for this surgery in humans include permanent brain damage, continued leakage of cerebrospinal fluid and the possibility of meningitis,” said Gatrell.

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