US: 13-yr-old plays with gun, live streams video; accidentally shoots self dead
Hemphill's worried mother came running to his room when she heard the gunshot. She discovered Malachi's lifeless body.

Atlanta: A 13-year-old American boy, in a craze to get maximum views, shot himself accidentally while playing with a gun during a live streamed video on social media.
According to report in The Sun, Malachi Hemphill, who was playing with a gun while shooting a live video on Instagram was being viewed by dozens of friends.
But within moments, Malachi shot himself. Traumatised children who had watched the video then congregated outside his home.
Unaware of the unfolding horror, Hemphill’s worried mother came running to his room when she heard the gunshot. She discovered Malachi’s lifeless body.
Speaking about the incident, the mother said: “We kicked in the door. We found him just laying there in a pool of blood”.
The mother further said: “My daughter screamed and said, ‘Mom turn his phone off!’ As I proceeded to look at his phone he was on Instagram Live.”
Malachi was rushed to Grady Hospital in Georgia but later died there.
His friends who watched him streaming live on Instagram had asked him to put the safety clip on the gun. However, when he did, the firearm went off and wounded him with the fatal shot.
The police are investigating as to what exactly happened, and trying to ascertain who gave Malachi the gun.