
Yahoo deletes Trump tweet that included racist slur

When Yahoo was tweeting a Trump story, the word bigger' had an 'n' as its first letter instead of a 'b.'

California: Yahoo Finance says it accidentally tweeted out a racial epithet when promoting a story about the cost of President-elect Donald Trump's plans to increase the size of the U.S. Navy.

The headline for the story on Yahoo Finance is, "Trump Wants a Much Bigger Navy: Here's How Much It'll Cost." But when it was tweeted Thursday, the word "bigger" had an 'n' as its first letter instead of a 'b.'

The tweet was deleted and Yahoo Finance tweeted an apology, chalking up the mishap to a spelling error.

The company didn't immediately respond to a request for further comment from The Associated Press.

Yahoo's mistake quickly became a trending topic on Twitter.

( Source : AP )
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