Pixel 4\'s transcribing-cum-voice recording app to come to older Pixels
It has been revealed that the tech giant has plans on releasing that application to its older Pixel phones.

Older Google pixel smartphone voice recorder users can now rejoice! If transcribing had otherwise given regret for not buying the latest pixel 4 with its transcribing-included voice recorder, there’s good news coming in. News portal Android Police has disclosed that the tech giant has plans on releasing that application to its older Pixel phones.
Comment from Google’s official Reddit handle said that the development shall take place via an update to the other phones. There is no timeline on this known right now.
Pixel’s Voice Recorder provides users with in-app transcribing, bypassing the need for internet or, of course, separate applications for transcribing English audio. It shall even “automatically transcribes speech and tags sound like music, applause, and more, so you can search your recordings to quickly find the part you’re looking for” according to Google’s description of it before.
However, there are complaints that the app fails when it comes to fast-talking speech and even strong accents.