Google Chrome is under attack! Unknown malware affecting users
Malicious activities are on rise. Hackers have managed to discover innovative ways to obtain personal, more sensitive information of the users. A new attack has come to light.
NeoSmart Technologies spotted this issue.
“Today while browsing a (compromised) WordPress site that shall remain unnamed, I came across a very interesting “hack” that was pulled off with a bit more finesse than most of the drive-by-infection attempts,” Mahmoud Al-Qudsi of NeoSmart Technologies wrote.
“This one relies on using JavaScript to change the text rendering, causing it to resemble mis-encoded text with symbols and rubbish in place of the content, then prompts the user to update “Chrome’s language pack” to fix the problem,” he added.
This malware has managed to get past Windows Defender and Chrome’s software that protects users against spam and malware. In fact, the malware is so strongly coded that only nine out of 59 anti-virus scanners in its database correctly identified the file as malware.
It is still not known what damage the malware can possibly cause. Users are advised to be extra cautious while downloading any new software on their PC. Using a good malware protection is crucial too.