AR Developer turns New York's Central Park in to Super Mario Level 1
Whether you were born in the 90’s or in the Xbox/PS4 era, you probably know or like Super Mario Bros. The adventurous 8-bit explorer with a moustache taking on the world of blocky-obstacles and weird enemies still rules the hearts of gamers around the world. Mario has found a lot of upgrades over the years to adapt to the newer gaming platforms before finding itself on Android and iOS. The world possibly thought that Mario couldn’t adapt anymore to modern platforms. Well, the world has been proven wrong. Mario has progressed to the Augmented Reality (AR).
A developer by the name of Abhishek Singh has put up a YouTube video showing the ‘Level 1’ of Super Mario rendered through Microsoft Hololens. The video has been shot through the Hololens headset, with a small window on the top showing the player through a third-person view. All the familiar Mario obstacles – the green pipes, the brick walls, the mushroom-shaped goombas, the pits and everything else, has been ripped off to the 'virtually real' world. And, you can actually play as Mario wearing the headset, collecting coins, jumping on the goombas and collecting power-ups.
Well, when we say you can play, what we actually mean that the developer can play. Since this is not an official release of the popular title, the AR Mario hasn’t been released on Hololens store due to various copyright issues. But this gives us a chance to be in the shoes of our 8-bit hero and try to defend the princess.