Facebook to rename WhatsApp, Instagram because, well, they can
Facebook is set to change the name of its services because they want to show whose boss.

It appears that Mark Zuckerberg and his minions are apparently sick of reminding people that Facebook owns WhatsApp and Instagram. And now, according to a fresh report by The Information, the social media giant is preparing to rename these services to show that their second-tier status and better credit Facebook for contributing to the apps’ growth, a report by Mashable states.
So what does Facebook plan to rename these services? In what appears to be the most ingenious branding of the decade Facebook will now rename Instagram to “Instagram from Facebook” and “WhatsApp from Facebook.”
As per The Information, Facebook’s spokesperson states, “We want to be clearer about the products and services that are part of Facebook.”
It’s worth mentioning that the founders of Instagram and WhatsApp have departed Facebook in the past few years. Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, the founders of Instagram left because they felt that Mark Zuckerberg and them did not agree on the future of the app. WhatsApp founders also had disagreements with Zuckerberg regarding its service.
So now with all the founders having departed, Facebook wants to show the world who rules the roost and that they are the top dogs who run the yard.