Niantic CEO John Hanke's Twitter account hacked
Pokemon Go creator Niantic’s CEO John Hanke has become the latest victim of celebrity account hacking group OurMine after several tweets were posted from his Twitter handle.
According to a CNET report, the hackers had sent out a series of tweets hastagged ‘OurMine’ on July 31, suggesting that the hack was for Brazil, where the game is yet to be released.
Another reason maintained by the group is the same it focused on earlier when it hacked the accounts eminent personalities such as Google CEO Sundar Pichai and even Twitter’s own CEO Jack Dorsey.
The hackers pointed out that, Hanke too, had a weak password—nopass—which did not have any special characters.
As mentioned earlier, the group does not seem to have any malicious intentions but intends on increasing awareness regarding have stronger passwords for online accounts.
However, OurMine has received mixed reactions from fans across the world for hacking the account of Hanke.
Some unhappy fans showed solidarity to the act as the latest update of Pokemon Go released by the company deleted all the game’s previously stored data.