Get CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 results delivered to your phone with SMS Organizer
Microsoft has announced that it will be delivering CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 results directly on your Android smartphone with SMS Organizer. If you or someone you know has appeared for CBSE Class 10 or Class 12 exams, you can pre-register on SMS Organizer and receive your results as soon as they are announced by CBSE, even if you are not connected to the internet.
For the last three years, Microsoft has been partnering with CBSE to display results on and last year, they introduced the CBSE results card into SMS Organizer app as an easy way to get your results delivered on your phone. As we approach the results season yet again, Microsoft is bringing the feature back.
If you are already an SMS Organizer user, you will get a notification to pre-register to receive your results. If you are not an SMS Organizer user, now is the time to become one.
How to pre-register for CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 results on SMS Organizer
Step 1: Click on the notification from the app, to pre-register at ease.
Step 2: Enter the required details – roll number, school code, and date of birth to complete the registration process.
Step 3: That’s it! As soon as the results are declared, you will receive your scorecard on the app, even if you do not have internet connectivity.
This year Microsoft has also added an option where you can share your results card with your friends and family with ease via other social media and instant messaging apps.
With spam filters, smart categorization, live train schedules, offers, reminders, speech-to-text compatibility, smart backup and other exciting features, SMS Organizer is the smartest alternative to your default messaging app. If you are not on SMS Organizer yet, download the Android app here.