
NIMS Doctors Perform Life-Saving Surgery, Rescues 26-Year-Old Tribal Man

Hyderabad: Doctors at the Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (NIMS) in Hyderabad performed a life-saving surgery on Saturday on a 26-year-old man from the Gutti Koya tribe. The patient, Sodi Nandu, had sustained a severe chest injury after an arrow punctured his heart.

Nandu was initially treated at the area hospital in Bhadrachalam, where he was stabilised before being referred to MGM Hospital in Warangal. Due to the severity of his condition, he was transferred to the Nims Hospital in Hyderabad were a team led by Dr Amaresh Rao Malempati, professor and head of the department of cardio-thoracic surgery, performed a critical surgery.

The operation, lasting four hours, involved delicate procedures to remove the object lodged dangerously between Nandu’s heart and lungs, the doctors said. Following the surgery, Nandu's condition has stabilised, and he is currently recovering well, they informed.

The surgery was performed free of charge. Hospital director Dr N. Bheerappa said that the surgery was critical "and given Nandu’s tribal background, we decided to waive all charges.”

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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