Khammam Software Engineer Arrested for Dark Web Drug Purchase
First successful Dark Web drug bust in Telangana

Hyderabad: The Telangana Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TSNAB) along with the Regional Narcotics Control Cell (RNCC) Khammam and Khammam II Town police for the first time tracked a delivery of narcotics through the Dark Web and arrested a consumer, a software engineer, of Khammam town.
The engineer had placed the order on July 31 and paid for it via crypto currency, said TGNAB director Sandeep Shandilya. The TSNAB technical wing provided inputs to crack the case.
The vendor delivered the drugs to the engineer from Silpukhuri of Assam through Speed Post and shared the consignment number with the customer.
On acquiring the information, RNCC Khammam police tracked the consignment and nabbed the engineer when he was taking delivery of it on Thursday. The drug was concealed in a newspaper sheet and was wrapped with brown tape, Shandilya said.
The RNCC Khammam personnel and local police also investigated the circumstances that led the engineer to get addicted to drugs and dealt with him in a humane. Keeping in mind his career, police counselled him and his parents and promised them assistance to kick the habit.
A strict watch will be continued on the Dark Web to break this chain and other such chains which are operating clandestinely. According to a statement, apart from regular tracking of drug offenders, the technical wing of the TNAB has stepped up surveillance over online marketing of drugs.