DoP invites applications for franchise outlets in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: The Department of Posts (DoP) has invited applications for franchise outlets in Hyderabad Postal Division.
Hyderabad City Postal Division, Senior Superintendent informed that the people under the Hyderabad Postal City Division should utilize the franchise opportunity to undertake booking of Inland Speed Post Non-COD (Document and & Parcel), Inland Registered Letters, Sale of Postage, Revenue, Central Recruitment Fee Stamps etc.,
Additionally, the franchisee may also act as a direct agent for Postal Life Insurance (PLI) and provide related services. Apart from the delivery office areas, franchise outlets can also be opened in the densely populated areas of Nalgandla, Gopanapalle, Izzatnagar (Kondapur), Khajaguda, Shaikpet, Lanco Hills in Manikonda, Kavuri Hills or Gayatri Hills in Madhapur, Tejaswinagar Kulsumpura, Moosapet, Ramakrishna Math, Bar Associations like Criminal Court Nampally, Labor Court Abids, and Bar Associations.
The Special Magistrate Court in Nampally, Principal and Additional CBI Courts in Abids, Central Administrative Tribunal at HACA Bhavan, CBI Court in Nampally, CGIT cum Labor Court, District Consumer Forum in Hyderabad, Special Magistrate Court in Panjagutta, which fall under Hyderabad Division can also open franchise outlets and utilize the facility.
To know the details of commission paid for postal franchisees, qualifications, selection criteria, criteria, application form, etc., interest can send an e-mail to the office of Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Hyderabad City Division, Abids, at