
Cancer: 76 Lakh People in AP Screened in Last 4 Months

World Cancer Day, health minister Satya Kumar Yadav called for prevention, advance testing, identification of disease at early stage and proper treatment.

Vijayawada: With the Andhra Pradesh government taking up a year-long cancer screening programme from November 14 last, some 76 lakh persons have been screened for oral, breast and cervical cancer. The target is to cover four crore people. So far, 24 persons have been confirmed to be carrying the disease.

Given the rise in cancer cases, the state government started the programme called ‘Cancer Screening for All’. This means all those who completed 18 years of age will be screened mainly for oral, breast and cervical cancer free of cost.

ANMs/ASHAs/CHOs take up a door-to-door campaign to motivate people to undergo cancer screening. Initially, the health personnel would identify those with such symptoms. They would be advised to visit the nearby PHC or sub centre, where a preliminary examination will be done. When they confirm the symptoms, such persons will be asked to visit one of the 17 Preventive Oncology Units set up in government hospitals -- one each in every district.

At such units, specialist doctors will examine the suspected cases and do the biopsy and other medical tests. Those who are confirmed with having cancer will be given treatment like chemotherapy, surgery or radiation.

A section of the identified patients are, however, unwilling to visit the Preventive Oncology Units to get their health problem properly diagnosed. Some are avoiding diagnosis for fear of knowing about their cancer status while some claim that they will get the medical test done at private hospitals. This scenario appears to be more prevalent in urban areas.

In the last four months, nearly 76 lakh people underwent screening across the state. Of these, 29,831 patients are suspected of having oral cancer, 20,829 breast cancer and 22,545 cervical cancer.

Of 9,000 patients examined, 409 were having symptoms of breast cancer. Out of 12,000 patients, 314 were found having symptoms of oral cancer; and out of 10,000 patients, 128 were showing symptoms of cervical cancer. All of them are put under medical treatment.

In further tests, the health authorities confirmed seven patients suffering from oral cancer, eight from breast cancer and nine from cervical cancer.

State nodal officer for non-communicable diseases K Syamala said, “We are facing trouble with those who are showing symptoms but are unwilling to visit the Preventive Oncology Units to get their disease confirmed and to get medical treatment, especially in urban areas. We appeal to all eligible persons to take the screening test for their own benefit.”

Meanwhile, to mark World Cancer Day, health minister Satya Kumar Yadav called for prevention, advance testing, identification of disease at early stage and proper treatment. He also appealed to the people to undergo cancer screening and called upon the civil society, public representatives and celebrities to take part in the fight against cancer.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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