
Mummified humanoid' discovered; proof of aliens or just another hoax?

Conspiracy theorists claim that they have discovered a three-fingered mummified humanoid' with an elongated skull in South America.

Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, professor at St. Petersburg University along with his team of self-proclaimed paranormal researchers claims that they have discovered proof of alien-life near Nazca, Peru. The team has apparently discovered a mysterious three-fingered ‘mummified humanoid’ with an elongated skull. They speak about their latest discovery in a short documentary.

According to them, when the body was discovered — it was covered in white power apparently used to preserve the remains. The body dates back to periods between 245AD and 410AD. Writing for conspiracy theory website Ancient-origins, anthropologist Alicia McDermot said: “Open-minded scientists studying human origins may find themselves in a situation where they have to identify this surprising discovery as true, probable, or a false find. It is important in these situations to remain curious yet skeptical.”

“We should keep an open mind yet stay apprehensive about jumping to conclusions on new discoveries, even if they seem incredible at first,” she further added.

Leading UFO expert Nigel Watson, author of Haynes UFO Investigations Manual, told MailOnline: “I'm no expert on ancient mummified bodies but they tend to be more leatherish looking. This seems to be a plastercast over a bone structure with three fingers attached to the hands.”

“Such hoaxes are the product of wishful thinking mixed with greed and a lust for publicity. The more exotic the claim the more viewers they generate, and so we get ever more bizarre 'revelations' about alien corpses, flying saucer wreckage and messages from our alien masters,” he further added.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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