
Let's pray for unity in freedom

Christians of different denominations all over the world gather together in various forms to pray.

In the days between January 18 and 25 every year, Christians of different denominations all over the world gather together in various forms to pray for a visible unity among themselves which they essentially enjoy in Jesus Christ.

The practice that began in 1908 continues till today. Such a practice sets a good example, firstly, among various Christian denominations that despite their differences in understanding and living out the teachings of Jesus Christ, they still attempt through prayer to maintain unity in freedom.

Secondly, such a “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”, also sets an example before the rest of the world, which today experiences splits and breakups of different kinds in several areas of life.

Thirdly, the task of attempting a unity while leaving all sides free works with fewer difficulties when we allow God’s presence and His Word to play a role in it.

Jesus had told his disciples, “For men it is impossible but for God everything is possible”.

The theme for this year’s “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” is a verse taken from the Bible: “Your right hand, O Lord, glorious in power”.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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