
Mystic Mantra: The essence of conscious eloquence

Consciousness is nothing but awakened knowledge it is also a state of symmetry of our mind, body, and spirit.

All of us exemplify a plethora of conscious thoughts, or rainbow syntheses, so to speak. This epitomises not only our mind and thought patterns from a “bespoke,” or personal, standpoint, but also a whole spectrum of activity that is a prerequisite to our day-to-day life — viz., categorising, planning, reasoning, and solving problems. All of this, and more, function on the idea of synchronous harmony, although any shortfall in either dimension often leads to emotional discord.

It is rightly said that our mind is the pivot of our conscious experience. It unifies every activity of our being — from a diverse range of thoughts or feelings we emote to something that we don’t express too. You’d call it our “conscious workspace” — a representative state of awareness, also responsiveness, that we all need in our day-to-day life. This includes every process essential to our mind and body — viz., a myriad of chemical synapses and functional processes in the brain that operate with computerised precision. One classical example is the residential inner timepiece, or bio-clock, that runs us all. Our bio-clocks personify our mind-body relationship; they correspond to our psyche, the temple of our conscious processes, akin to a seed in nature. This also symbolises the fertile ground for a “like” mind-centric biological seed to sprout and nourish our receptive psyche with a focus that is open and agreeable to reason. As Franz Kafka said, “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.”

Consciousness is nothing but awakened knowledge — it is also a state of symmetry of our mind, body, and spirit. It is buzzing, also kicking, when we are fast asleep too. Is it not a fact that we continue to experience optical and acoustic lexicons by way of dreams and other happenings — just as we relax through a restful, sound slumber? The same thing happens when we are fully awake, the difference being of degree; nothing else. We, therefore, continue to experience a number of variables — in the wakeful state — some apparent, some masked, within the vast recesses of our psyche. This is, of course, subject to divergence — from one end of the spectrum to the other — irrespective of whether we are fully alert, or in a state of intentional seclusion, or deferred activity.

Most philosophers reckon that the word consciousness signifies a sense of understanding. To acknowledge its presence is, therefore, tantamount to clasping at the straws, or floating on gossamers. In other words, managing and leading a happy, vibrant life… What does this connote? That when we infuse “conscious eloquence” into our life, we not only begin to live in the present-moment, but also elevate our mind-body-spirit to a whole new level of amplified awareness.

( Source : Columnist )
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