
Living human unity

The first step is to make sure that our hearts are clear of any hatred and prejudice for those different from us.

How do we live human unity? The first step is to make sure that our hearts are clear of any hatred and prejudice for those different from us. We must develop true love for people of different nationalities, religions, colours, economic status or gender. We must eliminate prejudice and discrimination. It is said that out of abundance of our hearts we speak. If we feel hatred towards any group, we cannot hide it; it comes out from our lips or shows on our face. Our actions speak louder than our words.

Tulsi Sahib said, “Cleanse the chamber of your heart so God can enter there.” When we clean the chamber of our heart from prejudice and ill will for others, God can reside there. What is God? God is love. God is all-encompassing and embraces all creation as one family. That love enters our hearts when we clear away negative thoughts towards others.

Loving, caring words bring people together. We should become living examples of sweet and loving speech. If we have any differences with anyone, let us resolve them. Let us have a moment of silent mediation to pray that we be imbued with the spirit of human unity in our hearts, so that we can spread its noble message.

The writer, head of Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission, works towards promoting inner and outer peace. He can be contacted at

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