Relax, sex is not a sin
In this column, Ashley Tellis will answer Questions about relationships, sexual health and concerns about LOST population in India.

Q I am a 23-year-old Muslim boy. I had sex with my male cousin and I liked it. Does this mean I am gay? What do I do now? My parents will not accept this.
Waseem, Warangal
Calm down. Every boy has an experience with his cousin and every girl does too. Or most do. Most also repress it and pretend it never happened. It is not a crime (I am presuming it was consensual) and it does not make you anything. What do you fantasize about? Do you find women attractive? Men? You could be bisexual. You could be mostly straight. You could be a giraffe. So relax, see who you respond to next.
Q I am a 19-year-old girl and my girlfriend wants to have sex. I feel I am not ready yet and believe that we should have sex only after marriage. How do I convince her that it is not right. Sylvie, Bangalore
You won’t be having sex ever if that is the plan. Lesbian marriage is not even a gleam in the eye of the Indian state yet so unless you plan to move to Canada immediately, please have sex with your girlfriend. Sex is not sanctified by a piece of paper.