
Naturals Ice cream founder Raghunandan Kamath's Journey

Over the past four decades, Raghunandan Kamath revolutionized India's perception of ice cream. Despite competing against industry giants such as Vadilal, Gokul, Joy, and Kwality, he emerged victorious with his brand, Naturals.

Raghunandan's upbringing was humble; his father, a fruit seller, struggled to support his large family of seven. Recognizing his own academic limitations, Raghu left school at the age of 14 and began working at his brother's restaurant. It was there that he conceived a novel idea: incorporating real fruits into ice cream, a departure from the artificial fruit flavors prevalent at the time.

Driven by his entrepreneurial spirit, Raghu ventured into the market, albeit cautiously. Unsure of the idea's reception, he initially offered ice cream as an accompaniment to the restaurant's main dish, Pav Bhaji. This strategic approach underscores Raghu's astute understanding of the Indian consumer landscape and his unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction.

Reflecting on my visit to Mumbai in 1991, a colleague introduced me to Naturals Ice Cream at their standalone parlour near Juhu Gymkhana. It was a revelatory experience, encountering ice cream infused with real fruit flavors. Subsequently, every trip to Mumbai entailed a pilgrimage to Naturals, a testament to their exceptional taste and service.

Three decades have passed since that memorable encounter, yet the impression remains indelible. Naturals' unwavering dedication to quality eventually led them to discontinue Pav Bhaji sales, a testament to their burgeoning success.

Beyond the confines of his outlet, Naturals became a cultural phenomenon, attracting traffic jams and drawing celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan and Vivian Richards.

Fast forward to today, Naturals Ice Cream boasts a sprawling network of over 650 outlets nationwide, generating revenue upwards of ₹400 crores. Raghunandan Kamath's demise marks a profound loss for the country and the MSME community, depriving India of one of its most visionary business minds.

In conclusion, Raghunandan Kamath's pioneering spirit and commitment to quality have left an indelible mark on India's culinary landscape. Have you had the pleasure of indulging in Naturals ice cream?

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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