
Already got 310 seats in 5 phases: Amit Shah

Kolkata: Union home minister Amit Shah predicted on Wednesday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has bagged 310 seats after the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha Election to form the government at the Centre for the third consecutive time.

Mr Shah, who addressed three BJP poll campaign rallies in West Bengal, also reiterated his pledge to take control of Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK), claiming that Mr Modi is not scared of the “atom bomb” of the neighbouring country.

The union home minister said in Purulia, “Five phases of polls have been held. Do you want to know what result has come already? Modiji has won 310 seats to finish the job of government formation. Now the sixth and seventh phases are left to cross the target of 400.”

He then took potshots at Congress scion Rahul Gandhi and Trinamul Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee, alleging that their ambitions have got washed away with the BJP's poll performance.

On the PoK, Mr Shah pointed out, “Doesn’t Kashmir belong to us? Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyyar calls for showing respect to Pakistan because they have atom bomb and hence ‘don't ask for PoK’. Rahul baba, Aiyyar, you can feel scared if you want to.”

He added, “But Narendra Modi doesn't get scared by atom bomb. PoK belongs to us and will be ours. We will take over it.” Mr Shah later trained guns on Ms Banerjee over infiltration, corruption and the Citizenship Amendment Act in the state.

He alleged at Kanthi in East Midnapore, “Bengal has become a heaven for infiltrators. Infiltration is a concern not only for Bengal but also for the country. Bengal is suffering the loss the most. It is a sin the way Ms Banerjee is changing the demography. Mark words, you are putting national security at risk for your vote bank.”

Mr Shah then told the crowd, ”I urge you not be afraid this time to cast your votes. Mamata Didi's goons did not even dare to touch people in the past 5 phases of elections. We have requested the Election Commission to keep the central forces personnel deployed for post-poll security."

Referring to the police raid at leader of the opposition Suvendu Adhikari's rented house on Tuesday, Mr Shah told the CM, “Stop misusing police or else you won’t even get a single seat. This is Adhikari’s bastion. The more Mamata Banerjee harasses Suvendu, the higher the position BJP would give him.”

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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