Adilabad: CPM tweaks ideology, food and even colour
CPM leaders were said to be eating beef to move close to the Dalits.

Khandala (ADILABAD): The CPM is changing, from its slogans, to food habits to ideological icons in the state. The party is now talking about social justice and integrated development, at least in the state.
CPM leaders said the party had brought changes in the ideological understanding of many issues after the national convention at Vishakapatnam; the changes were being implemented a little faster in the state. The changes were to rectify past mistakes.
CPM women activists welcomed party leaders during the Mahajana Padayatra led by Mr Tammineni Veerabhadram, by carrying ‘Bonalu’ and ‘Bathukamma’.
Mr Veerabhadram’s padayatra saw the use of pictures of social reformers Jyotiba Phule and Dr B.R. Ambedkar on the front of the jeep and Karl Marx on the rear. Blue and green flags symbolising Adivasis and Dalits, were seen.
Mr Veerabhadram himself wore a kanduva with red and blue. The slogan “Jai Bheem … Lal Salaam” showed the mood and the changes in the CPM.
CPM leaders were said to be eating beef to move close to the Dalits. Those who were not for such a move rejected the idea, and there was a debate on food habits in the party, sources said.
The songs played during the padayatra praise Dr Ambedkar, Jyotiba Phule, and Sahu Maharaj and even appeal to follow the directions of Dr Ambedkar. He said building a mass movement based on class was not possible without fighting against caste and various forms of oppression, he said.
Mr Veerabadram said Dalits were given 20 per cent district secretary posts out of 31 while their population is 16 per cent; 72 per cent posts went to the BCs against their percentage of 50. He said there were no women leaders, and promised to correct it.
He said some students had questioned him, Kamma, leading a movement to work for the Dalits, BCs and minorities. He said a leader from these sections would be made state secretary.
The CPM leadership was of the opinion that they should fight against communal forces on the cultural front. Merely defeating the BJP in elections will not yield many results; the party should defeat it by promoting alternative cultural values and agenda.
He said the CPM had failed to establish educational institutions with alternative thought and the RSS was communalising the minds of students through the educational institutions they were running since a long time.
He said efforts were being made to establish schools to counter communal ideology and train the poor for competitive exams. The CPM was already running a coaching centre at the party building and training students in film and TV.