Smoking to look cool?
Psychologists stress on self-image as the main reason behind people developing this habit.

Chennai: Despite health hazards of smoking being known to all and the government taking steps to educate the public — like the recent law against selling cigarette cartons without an 80 per cent pictorial warning, the number of smokers in the State, especially youngsters, seems to be on the rise. Is it just so that one can look cool?
“No individual is stupid not to understand that smoking is injurious to one’s health. Despite the warning on the cigarette cartons getting bigger and grosser each time, it has not stopped smokers from smoking. The reasons are basically psychological,” said counsellor Nilam P. “With actors and role models seen with a cigarette in their hands on many occasions, people, especially youngsters, wish to become like them and therefore get seduced into trying their hand at smoking,” she said.
Psychologists stress on self-image as the main reason behind people developing this habit. “Many youngsters, especially women, start smoking as they feel it makes them look more intelligent.
There have been many cases wherein young women had started smoking due to feminist instincts – when they ask ‘why should guys have all the fun?’” said psychologist Meera Nair of Kerala.
With many using the excuse of smoking to calm their nerves when tensed or stressed out, offices have started allowing their employees to smoke within its premises. “One does not realise that smoking doesn’t help relieve anyone of his or her stress. The main issue is the inability of individuals to admit to having become addicts,” added Nilam. “Sadly, there have been many cases where parents do not stop their children from smoking as they feel that their child is mature since he or she has learnt how to smoke,” she said.