New abattoir will be one of the best: Mr I P Binu
DPR of the Rs 25 cr project submitted

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The recently submitted Detailed Project Report (DPR) on the much delayed corporation abattoir modernisation, envisages a more humane and cleaner way of slaughtering. The Rs 25 crore project which is at least two years from realisation, plans to put an end to the illegal abattoirs in the city that are infamous for supplying stale meat. The capacity of the new abattoir will be to slaughter 100 cattle and 300 goats daily to meet the city’s needs.
The plan submitted by Dr J Abraham of Pookode Veterinary College envisages a halal box for slaughtering of animals. “The cattle which have been verified by doctors can be tied up inside the halal box. It will be cut on the neck instantly by hydraulic cutter. Further the animal’s body will be bled on a hook and hung on moving rails. It will be manually cut with machines and sent to the cold storage. From there it goes to the live sales counter at the abattoir premises itself,” said a senior corporation official.
The lone abattoir in the city at Kunnukuzhy was shut down in 2012 by the pollution control board over the lack of waste management set up. In the new facility, the leftover waste will be processed within the campus which will have a solid waste management and effluent treatment plant. The waste will be processed to fertiliser and fish feed and will be sold here. There will be facilities to tie and feed animals brought here.
Mayor V.K. Prasanth and Kunnukuzhy councillor I.P. Binu said the abattoir was the top preference among the mega infrastructure that the Corporation had in mind. “Once commissioned, this will be one of the best in India. There will be a planned fund for it and tenders for the project will be floated once we get state funds,” Mr I.P. Binu said. At the time of the closure, the old Kunnukuzhy abattoir was supplying just 800 kg meat to the city.