Dog bites 3-year-old on head in Hyderabad
3-year-old was rushed to Fever hospital, Nallakunta and is currently under observation.

Hyderabad: Three-year-old Syed Amanullah was attacked by a stray dog early on Tuesday morning that left a deep gash on the boy’s head.
The incident took place at Ismailnagar, Bandlaguda. The dog apparently pounced on the boy from behind while he was playing. He was rushed to Fever hospital, Nallakunta and is currently under observation.
The boy’s father, Mr Mohammad Amanullah said, “My son was playing in the yard and the dog pounced on him. People threw stones at it and it ran away. He also sustained minor injuries on his neck.”
As per a survey conducted by the Institute of Preventive Medicines, Narayanguda, 61,749 dog bite cases were reported in 2015-16. However, the number would be more if cases from private hospitals are to be taken into account.