CPM sees future in mass line
Clean image and spartan life of leaders as in West Bengal won't work

Thiruvananthapuram: CPM state secretariat is planning a comprehensive strategy for ensuring effective implementation of Kolkata plenum’s call for adopting “mass line”. The leadership is finalising the schedule for the extended state committee meeting to be held next month which will devise the action plan for implementing the plenum decisions. The party is in for a brainstorming session on the plenum document which had pointed out that passing resolutions and adopting “line” would not be enough till corrective measures were taken and a stringent system was put in place to effectively implement tough decisions.
The plenum had called for eschewing all un-communist like virtues, bureaucratism, factionalism, arrogance, extravagant life style and any type of malpractices which were alien to the norms of a communist. The aim is to connect with the people at all levels. Bengal has sounded the biggest warning to the party. While there were no major allegations against Bengal leaders and most of them led a spartan life, the leadership had failed to notice the rot that had set in the party organisation at all levels. This, many in the party believe, was because of the disconnect with the grassroots level workers.
Meanwhile, the secretariat has come to an understanding on appointing C.B. Chandrababu as chairman of KSFE, former MLA of Perambra K. Kunjahmed chairman of Minorities Commission, NCP state president Uzhavoor Vijayan as chairman of Oushadhi and former Kochi mayor C.M. Dinesh Mani as GCDA chairman. Other leaders including central committee member M.C. Josephine, trade union leader K Vardarajan and Kannur strongman M. Prakashan are also being considered for various plum positions.