Countdown begins for end of Modi rule, says Sitaram Yechury
KOCHI: CPM general secretary Sitaram Yechury has said that the countdown for the end of Narendra Modi’s prime ministership had begun with his new economic policies boomeranging on him. Addressing the concluding session of the two-day South-Asian regional seminar of Communist and Left parties here on Sunday, he said that none of the promises given by Mr Modi while enforcing the note ban had fructified. “During his rule, job opportunities have dwindled while the agriculture sector too is in tatters,” he said. The seminar warned that non-resolution of the Rohingya refugee crisis can be used by various fundamentalist and imperialist-backed extremist forces against the countries into which they are flowing and called for its resolution at the earliest.
“Bangladesh has borne the brunt of such an exodus of refugees. Nearly 4.5 lakh Rohingyas are reported to be living in miserable conditions,” the final declaration and resolution at the seminar on Rohingyas noted. The seminar asked UN agencies and the International Red Cross to intervene to ensure a dignified living for Rohingyas. “The governments of South Asia, particularly, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Nepal and other countries along with the international community must immediately adopt a roadmap to resolve the crisis,” the resolution said.
The message from the central committee, Communist Party of Pakistan, whose representatives could not attend the meet due to visa restrictions, said that “both India and Pakistan verbally claim that they support people-to- people contact for conflict resolution, but they discourage any contact between genuine progressive forces and the masses and sponsor NGOs dear to them,” which is shown by the visa restrictions. It also pointed to efforts from capitalist forces to foment religious, sectarian and tribal conflicts to start war among nations. “For this, imperialism is creating, organising and lavishly funding terrorist outfits like Al Quaida, ISIS and Taliban,” the message said highlighting the sorry state of affairs in Pakistan in this regard as well.