No kissing, hugging while at Lumbani Gardens
Anyone found misbehaving will be handed over to the police, says park authorities

Bengaluru: If you’re a teenager taking your girlfriend for a date or a soon-to-be married couple visiting Dr. Raj Kumar Dhoni Vihara Kendra, popularly known as Lumbani Gardens, watch out, you might stumble upon certain strict behavioural guidelines.
The park authorities are opposed to any public displays of affection and any couple caught kissing or hugging will be handed over to the police. The board at the entrance of the park spells out the stand of the park authorities in no uncertain terms.
“We warn the small percentage of young unmarried couples to behave appropriately before the guests at the park and particularly in front of children, as they are our special visitors. If anybody is found misbehaving publicly they will be expelled from the park and handed over to the police.
“Kissing and hugging publicly is strictly prohibited”. Park authorities have gone a step further and even prohibited the use of rude, impolite and threatening language with those around and with the staff of the park. They have also put up CCTV cameras across the park as per police orders for security reasons.
Due to a number of annoying incidents in the past, in November 2014, a few senior citizens in the area, ruffled by youngsters who frequent the Basavangudi Bugle Park, put up a handwritten board saying “College students and couples not allowed.”
Speaking about monitoring and prevention of PDA at thousands of parks in the city, Bengaluru’s Mayor Manjunath Narayana Reddy commented, “The police are taking action against any inappropriate behavior in the park. If we receive any complaint we will immediately request the police to take the necessary action.”
Additionally, the BBMP has installed CCTV cameras in a few parks, with a warning that those caught engaging in PDA in the park would be thrown out.