Puppalaguda: High Court vacates works stay
There is dispute over the said lands between the government and Chotam Singh and others, who filed the petitions and HC gave interim orders

HYDERABAD: The Telangana High Court on Monday vacated the interim stay orders on laying of roads across Sy. Nos. 301 to 308, 325 to 328 and 331 (part) and totalling 198 acres and 30 guntas situated at Puppalaguda Village, Gandipet Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, which are claimed to be Evacuee Property by the government.
There is a dispute over the said lands between the government and Chotam Singh and others, who filed the petitions and High Court gave interim orders on February 14, 2022 granting stay on construction made by the state government i.e., laying of roads. The land is embroiled in a a series of litigations. Earlier, one Ramesh Parasram Malani and others filed a special leave petition in the Supreme Court in 2016 claiming that the land was allotted to them by the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.
However, the Supreme Court dismissed it the SLP. In view of the above orders, the Telangana state government proposed an e-auction of the lands for resource mobilisation for public purposes.
Accordingly the TS Industr-ial Infrastructure Corp Limited vide e-auction notification on August 30, 2021, for auction of the said Evacuee Property lands and started to lay the roads.
Aggrieved with the e-auction notification and developing of land for public purpose, Chotam Singh and others filed writ petitions and who got orders in their favourable. Accordingly, the state government filed stay vacate petitions along with related counters.
The Division Bench comprising Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Abhinand Kumar Shavili on Monday vacated the stay orders when Harender Pershad, Special Counsel for the state explained the case and brought to notice of the Supreme Court orders.
The matter has been posted August 1, 2022.