The BIZ'Y activists
There is outrage at the recent rapes in the country and the business community is speaking up... to bring about change.

Still trying to grapple with the rape cases that have shaken the nation? The outrage is palpable. Things have not changed for the better even after the Nirbhaya incident and people want one thing — Justice served. While celebrities have always come to the fore on such issues, it is now the turn of the business elite to be vociferous and demand justice. Recently, chairman of Mahindra Group, Anand Mahindra tweeted saying, “The job of executioner is not an aspirational job. But for the execution of brutal rapists and murderers of young girls, I would volunteer unhesitatingly. I work hard to stay calm, but my blood boils over to see this happening in our country.”
In a reply to Anand Mahindra’s tweet other businessmen followed suit. Taron Mohan who is the CEO of NextGen Telesolutions tweeted, “Sir, time to start a movement for a change. Hang them unto death in public with a simple ‘guilty’ verdict. No judicial trial, which will take 10 years. Let the not-so-guilty also suffer in this, it will set a benchmark judgement. No hiding behind ‘juvenile’ curtain etc.”
Even Kiran Majumdar-Shaw has tweeted her angst on the recent incidents demanding change. She tweeted, “Another Girl, 8, Raped And Murdered Amid Kathua Rage. This Time in UP another-girl-8-raped-and-murdered-amid-kathua-rage-this-time-in-up… Until capital punishment is announced for such rape deaths nothing will change. Monsters will roam freely.” Pramod Saxena, chairman and founder of Oxigen Service too raised his voice against this issue, saying, “Couldn’t have said it better.. will our politicians stop raving about Dalits and Hindu-Muslim. Instead, focus on making our helpless citizens and helpless children safe from brutality and inhuman atrocities.” Suddenly, the forum opened up to many who had not been too open on social media, to expressing opinions on social issues and demanding change.
Sociologist Sudeshana Mukerjee feels this is a positive movement, “With the Asifa case, the content really shook the morale of society. Businessmen are usually aloof when it comes to social or political problems. If they are speaking up now, then it’s a good trend. Businessmen normally take a very political stand, but this is something that is seeing people setting aside differences and condemning the incident. This is really positive. It will surely give a lot of courage to the victim as there is no social stigma associated. I think business leaders also need to work towards breaking such stigmas. They can take initiatives to take their voice further because they have both the money and power. Stringent harassment and grievance policies in the organisation can also be implemented. They have the power to change. And under their CSR activities too, they can think about civil society and create a forum where such issues can be addressed.”