Hussainsagar water gets a dash of colour
The students painted the sails of boats and later, took them out for a short cruise of the Hussainsagar.

Hyderabad: On the occasion of World Water Monitoring Day, over 200 schoolchildren turned up at the Yacht Club here to take part in the ‘Painting on Sails’.
Under the watchful eyes of a few artists from the city, the students painted the sails of boats and later, took them out for a short cruise of the Hussainsagar. The painted sails will stay afloat on the lake from September 17 to 27.
The World Water Monitoring Day was set up in 2003 by the Clean Water Foundation. It aims to spread awareness on the protection of water resources.
Avani Rao, of the Iconart gallery in the city, said the event was organised on the Hussainsagar for that very reason.
“We didn’t want to constrain expression inside an art gallery. So we decided to take it outside. The children were very excited and the artists created stencils to help them out with the shapes that you see. We wanted to preserve a certain aesthetic. But the children did a fantastic job because we found representations from all around us - fish, animals, water bodies, etc. We also believed the best way to get the message across was through a visual medium.”