Kochi: Now, cyclists hope trend to catch up
Enthusiasts cheer KMRL's cycle lane plan

Kochi: The cycling trend would catch up among Kochiites in a major way once the Kochi Metro Rail Ltd (KMRL) starts implementing the 'Bicycle Sharing' project in a major, feel bicycle enthusiasts. They also demanded that other agencies like Kochi Corporation should offer sops to woo citizens to use cycling as a mode of transport. Dr Fr. Prasanth Palackappillil, Principal of the Sacred Heart College, Thevara, who uses cycle for short distance travel since his teenage days, wants the Kochi Corporation and other government authorities to offer incentives to employees to use cycling as a mode of transport.
"The benefits are many. It's a remedy to daily traffic jams and parking problems; there will be less pollution and less oil consumption, among others. The trend of using cycling as a utility should catch up in Kochi with its narrow roads and numerous by-lanes. "What better time than this when the KMRL is set to implement the project in a major way. Currently cycling is a mode of sport or exercise for most," said Fr Prasanth, who also demanded authorities to ensure safety of cyclists.
"I came to know they are making cycle tracks besides footpaths at select locations. This will be a good start. They can consider elevated cycle tracks in a congested city like Kochi," he said. Narayanan N. G., a city-based software developer who used to cycle to office for several months, vows to return to the habit if initiatives like dedicated cycle tracks are finally becoming a reality.
"I bought a speed gear cycle to commute to my office and back. However, after three months, I had to stop due to safety issues. If dedicated cycle tracks are built, then many like me will choose cycling to commute," he said.
"We're very happy to learn that KMRL is doing the cycling project in a big way. The trend is sure to catch up among the citizens. Even now a change is visible," noted Athirup M.S., an engineer who runs the city-based bicycle club Athi's Bicycle Club (ABC). The KMRL is expected to invite the Expression of Interest for the Bicycle Sharing project in a couple of days.