States can follow AP, Kerala for energy efficiency: BEE

VIJAYAWADA: Union power ministry’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) secretary Milind Deore has advised all state designated agencies (SDAs) to achieve their desired climate change goals by following the energy-efficiency models adopted by Andhra Pradesh and Kerala.
In this context, Milind Deore pointed out that Andhra Pradesh has come up with a draft Energy Efficiency Policy, which is expected to save around 16,875 million units of electricity, which is 25.6 percent of its total annual energy demand.
This translates to ₹11,779 crore in monetary terms, while reducing carbon emissions to the extent of 14.34 million tonnes.
The BEE secretary underlined that Standalone SDA models of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala have been successful. Thus, he advised all other states in the country to follow Andhra Pradesh and Kerala models for effective implementation of their energy efficiency and energy conservation programmes by establishing standalone / dedicated agencies that fully focus on energy efficiency.
Milind Deore said the State Level Steering Committee (SLSC) model of Andhra Pradesh is being followed by the majority of 18 states across the country to effectively implement their energy conservation and energy-efficiency activities.