
Guest Column: Vendors can do business on footpaths without being in the way

We are working with the police department to keep the footpaths free of vehicles, says Gangambike Mayor.

Q: Major stretches of footpaths in the city are in bad shape with broken or loose stone slabs and garbage, cables or construction debris occupying them. What do you intend to do about it?
A: Our officials are doing their best to keep the footpaths in good condition. We are taking action against people dumping garbage and turning them into blackspots.

Q: Also, vehicles are often parked on the footpaths. Why is this allowed?
A: We are working with the police department to keep the footpaths free of vehicles. Due to lack of parking space people tend to use the footpaths for their vehicles , which is against the law. We have requested the traffic police to tow away such vehicles. We are also requesting building owners to use their basements only for parking and not anything else. We need the support of the people to fight these problems and keep the footpaths free of encroachments.

Q: Street hawkers too occupy footpaths in some areas like Gandhi Bazaar, where people are forced to walk on the road. Why isn’t the BBMP taking action against them ?
A: Street vendors have every right to do business on footpaths. But they should not in the process prove a nuisance for pedestrians. They are not supposed to erect any permanent structures and block the footpath. Our officials have during inspection slapped fines on vendors exhibiting their goods on the footpaths and we have also requested the police to keep a watch on them during their patrolling.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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