Water scarcity hits cancer ward of Kozhikode Government Medical College
Officials cite old pipeline, low pressure of water as reasons.

KOZHIKODE: The shortage of water for more than a month has affected the cancer ward of Kozhikode Government Medical College Hospital severely. Officials cite the old pipeline and the low pressure of water supplied as the reason. Since the patients are not permitted to move to other wards considering the nature of their disease, they and their bystanders are struggling to meet their daily requirements.
“The toilets are choked and stinking. This is a huge inconvenience to the patients as well as the staff," said Chandran Narendran, the bystander of a 27-year-old patient. “Despite repeated reminders the hospital administration was turning a blind eye and hence to draw their attention, we are going to file a written complaint with the principal and the authority.”
Hospital Development Committee member M. Radhakrishnan said the current requirement of the hospital is about one lakh litres, but they are getting only 80 percent of it. "Hence it is not just the cancer ward, but the entire hospital is facing a severe water shortage, and we are exploring every means to resolve the issue as soon as possible," he said.
They said a break in a pipeline under the main block of the centre aggravated the crisis. Nearly 30 percent of the pipes are damaged, and they blame it on rough handling by patients and their attendants. Not just the patients, their bystanders and hundreds of staff members have been battling with the issue, and hence the issue will be soon rectified, they said.